Play clash royale free
Play clash royale free

play clash royale free

  • Learn new tactics and try different combinations of armies and tribal reinforcements in practice mode.
  • Defeat the Goblin King by sweeping through the Goblin Kingdom in single player mode.
  • Watch clan members attack and defend in real-time or on replay.
  • Play intra-clan friendly battles or compete with other clans in clan friendly battles, with special events to help you get a unique player experience.

    Upgrade troops, spells and siege machines in the lab to build a stronger army.Unlock epic heroes - Barbarian King, Archer Queen, Grand Guardian, Flying Shield Warlord and War Machine.Use cannons, mortars, arrows, invisible bombs, traps, walls, and other defenses to defend your home village.Collect resources, plunder enemy villages and upgrade your defenses to make your home village impregnable.Play with a large number of elite players and climb to the top of the legendary league rankings.Use different types of troops, spells and heroes, and try out different combinations of troops and unique tactics.Participate in tribal competitions and work together with your tribe members to win powerful magic items.Test your fighting skills and prove your prowess in the highly competitive Tribal Battle League.Participate in tribal battles with your tribe members and compete against other tribes.With fun King's Cup challenges, fair and exciting tournament duels, and more new cards and game modes continuously updated.ġ.Join other players' tribes or create your own tribe and invite your friends to join.Ģ.Participate in tribal battles with tribe members and compete with other tribes around the world.ģ.Use defensive facilities such as cannons, arrow towers, mortars, invisible bombs, invisible springs and walls to defend villages.Ĥ.Sweep through the goblin kingdom and defeat the king of goblins.ĥ.With different troops, spells and heroes to try various unique tactics.Ħ.Friendship war with friends, with other tribes in the tribal friendship war to cut skills, and a variety of special events waiting for you to participate.ħ.Clash of clans training different types of soldiers, and constantly upgrade the soldiers. The game has built-in exciting dueling videos, so no matter what stage you are in, you can watch the best matches for yourself first, learn new and exciting playing routines, and become a great player the fastest!


    Open Royal TV and enjoy the top matchups Now you can also spar with your friends for tactics and create your own battle circle. Join the tribe, share cards, and have a private showdown with your tribe mates. Join Clans for a game with your friends! Three minutes of fair play and real-time global battlesĭestroy your opponent's king tower, win treasure chests to unlock rewards, and win glory in the world rankings!


    Download Clash Royale and design your battle deck with great strategy and action to beat your opponents and win trophies! Whether it's the baby dragon, the heroic prince, the lightning bolt, the fireball, or the distinctive barracks building, you'll be all in control. A variety of powerful cards, play a deep strategy With elements of Clash Royale in the production of some strategic push tower game, players need to assign soldiers in the line to push out the opponent's castle.

    play clash royale free

    to gain experience, upgrade the level, each level of defense tower damage and blood attributes increase, up to 13 levels.Ĭlash Royale is a fun strategy game with beautiful fresh graphics and medieval cartoon style, in which players need to control their own army to complete the battle mission. In addition to the cards can be upgraded, player level and defense tower level, through the tribe to donate cards, upgrade cards, complete tasks, etc. Card level will increase the corresponding properties will also increase, up to upgrade to level 13 cards, the game through the level 13 mirror can copy the level 14 card.

    play clash royale free

    The source of the cards is mainly by opening the various types of treasure chests obtained in the game or store purchases, you can use the time CD to open treasures, but also can use gems to open.

    play clash royale free

    In Clash Royale, cards are upgraded by collecting the same cards and fusing them to upgrade the card level. On May 14, 2018, "Battle Royal" was selected as an eSports performance event for the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta. As the trophies are upgraded, the arena of different venues is opened. In the game, players need to enhance their combat power by constantly opening treasure chests to obtain cards, and then match battles with other online players. The game is based on the characters and worldview of Clash of Clans. Clash Royale, a game with elements of real-time strategy, MOBA, and cards by Finnish game company Supercell, was released on the App Store on January 4, 2016.

    Play clash royale free